Pe 8 ianuarie 2025, Mercur a intrat în Capricornul de pământ, rămânând acolo până pe 28 ianuarie. Această schimbare încurajează pe toată lumea să adopte o mentalitate mai practică pe termen lung și să-și perfecționeze abilitățile de rezolvare a problemelor.
The text describes how the transit of the planet Mercury through Capricorn (which started on January 8th, 2025) will influence different zodiac signs.
The main conceptual idea is that this transit encourages a more practical and problem-solving mentality, benefiting people in their careers and personal development. The article focuses on how this transit will be particularly lucky for three zodiac signs: Aries.
The text describes how the transit of the planet Mercury through Capricorn (which started on January 8th, 2025) will influence different zodiac signs. The main conceptual idea is that this transit encourages a more practical and problem-solving mentality, benefiting people in their careers and personal development. The article focuses on how this transit will be particularly lucky for three zodiac signs: Aries.